Subject-specific Forums
Tracing the Future (der Zukunft auf der Spur)
The subject-specific forum on the occasion of the event “tracing the future” consists of top-class experts. It serves as a contribution to the debate on the coming funding period of the years 2014-2020 and therefore affects the whole EU. Three further subjects-specific workshops running parallel to this forum are subsequently brought together.
People concerned with village renewal and regional development (e.g. politicians from communities, regions and states; professional organizations; NGO’s dealing with social topics, room planning or energy; actors of regional managements and the local action groups LAG’s; administration experts and specialists from respective networks) dispute questions regarding the future in the moderated subject-specific forums. The results of these forums help the participants with configuring concepts for regional development (Regionalentwicklungskonzepte) from 2013 on – both programmatically and strategically. It is a special convenience for the participants that those strategies are worked out together across different regions.
The topic “social change” embodies a complex matter. Concerning this issue, the following questions will be repeatedly asked: What can one single person contribute to improve the framework conditions in order to achieve desired developments? What are the possibilities communities and regions have considering these developments?
The particular forums are deliberately spread on different locations. The respective focus of the different forums is implemented in that community which is connected to this focus by a current project. This illustrative project serves as an object for discussions. Furthermore, it enables people to connect the focused topic to a practical reference und to exchange experiences.
Forum 1: Demographic change, public welfare and local supply
Friday, 21st of September, 2012; time: 9:30 a.m.-6:00 p.m.
Location: Sulzberg-Thal
The initiative of the local club Sulzberg-Thal forms the starting basis for the dispute this subject-specific forum deals with. It mostly has to do with questions concerning social space. Actual trends like increasing obsolescence, associated by a decreasing willingness to do something for public welfare, as well as thinning local supply lead to the following questions: What possibilities does a village or region have to counteract imminent obsolescence and the undermining of common values? How can the willingness for social engagement be increased, especially concerning the care for elderly people? How can the public welfare and the togetherness of different generations and cultures be promoted? What are the opportunities for a concrete implementation of social inclusion, participation and good governance? Which support do those citizens need who want to do something against emigration and who want to put themselves out for an attractive living environment with an appropriate local supply?
Forum 2: Shortage of resources, climate change and mobility
Friday, 21st of September, 2012; time: 9:30 a.m.-6:00 p.m.
Location: Krumbach
Concerning renewable energies, Krumbach is a model community. It is located in the energy region called Vorderwald-Nagelfluhkette. The presentation of some illustrative projects implemented in that community serves as an access to the topic of the forum.
The shortage of resources is diverse. It can affect energy, natural resources, water and soil and finds different expressions in various areas. This forum focuses on energy and deals with the question: How can a community or a region influence the existing situation directly? How can local citizens act more environment-friendly? How can a new, environment-friendly consciousness concerning mobility be achieved? What possibilities do communities, the region and every single citizen have to contribute to the regional autonomous energy supply? The results of this forum will consist of approaches that can be put into practice. These approaches can also be adopted in local action plans.
Forum 3: Labour migration, integration and local economic management
Friday, 21st of September, 2012; time: 9:30 a.m.-6:00 p.m.
Location: Hittisau
In Hittisau, the basis for the dispute with the topic of forum 3 is set by the local initiative Holzkultur (wooden culture), dealing with craft and architecture, as well as the Frauenmuseum (women’s museum).
People taking part in this forum will work out the importance of the local economic management for labour migration and integration. It is supposed to result in answers to the questions: How can local societies control the development of local economies? Concerning the influence of this development, which part can women play in society? In this forum, the opportunities for actions of an active local economic policy are examined. Furthermore, proposals for possible activities for communities to manage local employment are developed.